今天开发功能的时候,发现之前的分支忘记合并(分支太多),并且还删除了😂,于是 Google 了一番,根据以下步骤进行了分支恢复。
查询历史 commit 记录
git reflog用来记录你的每一次命令,--date=iso 表示以标准时间显示。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
git reflog show --date=iso
... b78d26e HEAD@{2023-03-14 16:48:03 +0800}: checkout: moving from hotfix-audit-20230314 to develop e1e7481 HEAD@{2023-03-14 17:43:02 +0800}: checkout: moving from test to hotfix-audit-20230314 6d4fead HEAD@{2023-03-14 17:36:09 +0800}: merge hotfix-audit-20230314: Merge made by the 'ort' strategy. 182510b HEAD@{2023-03-14 17:36:05 +0800}: checkout: moving from hotfix-audit-20230314 to test e1e7481 HEAD@{2023-03-14 17:36:01 +0800}: commit: fix: 修复审核失败xxxxxxx ...